Thread: Chicago team
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Old Mon Jun 25, 2007, 03:15pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally Posted by Smitty
The Nequa Valley team wasn't that good - they ended up in the "4-game guarantee" bracket, so they must have lost all their games. I know they had at least 2 teams in the Varsity brackets - one was a JV team that got absolutely creamed in every game they played. I don't see how that is a good experience for a team to travel 1000 miles to get the crap beat out of them.
The team I reffed was in the JV bracket but they didn't get creamed in every game they played. They only lost the first by about 15, they won the second, won their third, and then lost in the consolation round (CREAMED!! in that round!). I agree that's not a very good reason to travel that far (more like 2000 miles). I certainly wouldn't have.

But I thought they were well on their way toward doing very well. If they can get some basics a little more established, I think they could develop into a very good varsity team.

Also, do they spell their school name "N-E-Q-U-A" or "N-E-U-Q-U-A"? I thought I saw a t-shirt with that extra U in the name, and I'm rather partial to extra U's.
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