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Old Sun Jun 24, 2007, 11:36pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Ejection Fest 07

Is it just our area or does there seem to be more ejections than ever before? People are particularly bad this year and I know from my perspective, there should have been more ran that just werent run. .. so it actually should be MANY more.

Since Summer TB started, every tourney I've worked there has been 4-5 ejections at least (thats per weekend).. these are just the ones I know about. All at 18G level.. now for the past few weeks I've been working mens FP and there have been numerous ejections... but this weekend took the cake. I personally have ejected 5-6 since summer started.

Mens B&C Fast Pitch (ie big whiney babies) - I would have to put the number at 9-10 ejections for just this weekend (I had 1 and should have run much more, just about all umps had at least 1) and one game forfeiture (I wasnt involved in that but watched the whole thing (I was on break watching the game) which went... We were shorthanded and had to close a field and change tourney schedule because it is difficult to find umps willing to work this group of guys.. thats how bad they are.

The forfeiture..

Play at plate where runner is out by a mile.. runner jumps straight up when at F2 (holding the ball) as if to jump over a 6 foot catcher.. well obviously he did not clear the catch and a pretty ugly collision.. he gets ejected.. coach / PU involved in argument over ejection.. coach says too much, gets ejected.. BU is there trying to help keep control shield people off converging on PU.. pushing shoving match breaks out in RF between the teams and bench clearing.. and game forfeiture.

All ejections I've seen and performed were more than warranted and some real vicious things said to earn them.

It is my opinion that this year (btw my secret resolution was to get through the year without an ejection - that hasnt worked out so well since I'm well above my normal yearly quota).. has been very bad and people in our area seem really out of control (nor cal).

From what I've seen I dont have much hope of the ejections slowing down, because if you pull the crap on me that has caused my ejections this year, I will run you every time.

Last edited by wadeintothem; Sun Jun 24, 2007 at 11:40pm.
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