Thread: Pushing/Posting
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Old Sun Jun 24, 2007, 10:15am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Yea, I know it's not my job to teach lessons, but at these lower levels (kids who would be playing freshman ball next year), I guess I just feel like it IS my job to let folks know how good ball should be called. The other coaches WERE adjusting, and helping their kids, and this coach was so far out of line I kinda felt sorry for his players. I don't mean he was out of line in terms of his behavior or his words or actions, he didn't do much yelling or whining, but he was so wrong about the rules and what he was teaching his kids was so far off base.

I had a different partner for each of the games, and all three of us were very consistent, and were really trying to pay close attention to the post, so that it wouldn't get out of control. We'd call it and the kid would quit, and then he'd go into a time out, and when he came back onto the court, he'd be shoving again. It was obvious, the coach was telling him to keep pushing. I even saw once when his direct opponent was demonstrating to him about displacement.

I suppose we did all we could. I'm just trying to work on optimizing my talking and I'm wishing I could learn a little something from this experience (besides not to do any more tournaments where the players can't foul out.)
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