Umpire Interference
14U BR, R1 on third, passed ball, R1 goes for home, pitcher moves to cover, catcher recovers ball and spins and throws, R1 about 5 ft from plate, ball bounces off PU's head (she didn't pivot out from plate, just took a step back from slot), PU looking down and holding head, R1 scores, DC argues UI, PU states that her judgment was that R1 had scored before UI.
BR rules state (para phrased) UI if umpire impedes catcher while trying to play steal. I feel like this rule is addressing the throw to second, but does not specifically state this. Penalty is dead ball, runners back to last legally touched base.
Blown call?
Last edited by c4in; Fri Jun 22, 2007 at 06:36am.