Originally Posted by Jim Porter
I thought the following might make for some interesting discussion. It's an old incident report from an umpire in the association where I was once vice president. The names have been redacted to protect the innocent -- or guilty. What do y'all think?
I also want it to be known that I am no wimp. I work in all levels of baseball where I have taken shots from upwards of 85mph fastballs. I’ve been an umpire for 5 years. I know that getting hit by the ball comes with the territory. Requiring the removal of the catcher is not something I took lightly. It is only something I did because the catcher was too inexperienced for that level, after I had taken far too many preventable shots, and after truly feeling that my safety was in jeopardy. The time to teach a catcher how to catch is during practice, when no umpire is standing behind him. No umpire should be required to be a human backstop.
I ask that you consider disciplinary action against Mr. ******* so incidents of this nature are not repeated in the future. Refusing to immediately leave the facility when ejected, as well as approaching me after the game in the parking lot, are two serious violations that require your attention."
My first reaction is that you got to be kidding, but I know that you are not.
I've made the coach replace a catcher before in HS summer league game for the same reason. It was either change the catcher or I was going to call from behind F1.
But to go as far as ejection etc., that's simply unbelievable to me.