Originally Posted by RPatrino
Bud, a coach can argue balls and strikes if he wants. He just won't be around long to do it. Also, by protest, do you mean argue or file a formal protest? I've had a coach protest because the field lights weren't turned on soon enough. They can basically play the game under protest for anything they want, but if it's not a protestable call it just gets filed in the waste can.
That's what I told him. But he he assist on doing so. I even gave him another chance, but he told me, so blue, do you flip a coin and if its heads, its a ball and if its tails, its a strike. So I stop the game, got a coin out, flipped it, turn to him and said, "It's tails and your out of here". Also a coach had a game under protest because of a safe/out called my partner "blew". Of course, my UIC (Umpire in Charge) just laugh.