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Old Fri Jun 15, 2007, 07:47am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Fritz
Home plate signals the swing but does not call the batter out and points down at the dirt.
PU should also give the "safe" sign and a verbal "no catch."

Question #1 (a mechanics question): when the batter steps into the dugout, which he did despite the 1B coach realizing at the last minute what was going on and yelling at the batter to run toward first, who has the responsibility to make the "out" call? Plate umpire or base umpire? I vote for the plate umpire unless the runner on 3rd is coing down the line to try and score.
When the batter steps in the dugout, no umpire should make a call. The plate umpire should make the call when the batter leaves the dirt circle around home (even if R3 is heading for home).

Question #2 (ruling): let's say in this situation, the batter realizes he isn't out and dashes to first safely at the last second. At what point are the other runners allowed to advance/score? In our case tonight, the other runners were right behind the batter in getting to the dugout, or were already in the dugout. Can the runner on 3rd run and touch home to score straight from the dugout area if he isn't in it yet? If he has reached the dugout and the batter is safe at first, is R3 out for abandonment (3rd out)?
Normal abandonment rules apply to the other runners.
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