This will be my 5th season umpiring. My first year out I got thrown into a varsity fastpitch softball game(in fact it was my first game) Talk about crapping your pants! I drilled my partner for information the whole trip. I went home that night, threw myself into my rulebook, and decided that I was going to work as hard as I could to learn, get better, sharper and look professional. Midway thru my season my then assignor threw me into a HS varsity baseball game( unregistered at that) I fell in love with the game. My 3rd season I joined a very respected association and it has only gotten better since. I work very hard to constantly be learning. I've always been open to feedback by veteran officials(some guys think they are invincible and you can't tell them anything--please don't assign me with them!) I am hungry to go somewhere in my umpiring and because of it I am driven to improve myself. I work with my assignor(he is now my partner as well as my mentor) He was encouraged by my contagious enthusiasim and felt that I could do the job. I have worked HS, Legion, Div. II and III college and Men's Amateur baseball. I am willing to do all I can to grow and learn, be it attending clinics, getting evaluated, reading advice from all you pros out there and presenting myself in a professional manner. I care about the job I do at every game. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, for this umpiring is making everyone around me crazy because it is so in my blood and under my skin! Thanks for letting me unload.
Jackie W.