Originally Posted by ozzy6900
I do it all the time!
Coach - "Blue, you need to check with your partner on that".
Me - "Coach, I've got the call. If I needed help, I would have gotten it before I made the call. Let's get back to the game now!"
I rarely call a conference except on obstruction. That is one call where you may need the input of your PU. He is supposed to be watching the "big picture" in most cases so he can help place runners to the correct bases. Other than that, I'm within 20 feet of the call, why do I want to "huddle" with people that are 50 to 100 feet away?
Ozzy, there is a special emphasis at the NCAA, and especially the Division I level, for "getting it right." So I'm specifically addressing that level.
I have no problems telling people to pound sand, where appropriate.