Thread: Cutoff Question
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Old Mon Jun 11, 2007, 07:01pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by canadaump6
Do you guys think I did the right thing in just throwing to the base and not worrying about whether the cutoff man was there or not, or should I have made a 80 foot throw to the cutoff man who was out of position and couldn't throw to save his life?
Some times arise where you have to ignore what you're told and do what you're certain is a better option. This may have been one of those times - you will have to resolve that yourself.

If the case exists that your ability is not being used, then you have to either (a) suck it up and play (and either voicing your opinion or not voicing your opinion), or (b) leave the team. I've had different sitchs in life where I've done each of the 3.

Good luck.
Pope Francis