Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
Can the umpires even say no to these help requests anymore?
Yes, an umpire can refuse to go to his partner. Here's an example:
Batter swings and the ball slowly rolls up the line towards third base and beats the throw to first. Defensive coach is granted time and comes to the PU.
C: Blue, that had to be foul, the ball contacted to batters foot.
PU: I've got a fair ball, I never saw the ball hit the batter's foot.
C: Can you get some help from your partner, he was looking in on the play and had a better angle?
PU: No coach, I'm not going to my partner on this one. That's an immediate call. Had my partner seen the ball hit the batter's foot, he would have killed the play had he seen it. Let's play ball coach.