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Old Wed Jun 06, 2007, 03:21pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
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Does anybody really care what those with little balls think about softball?

In some ways, the games are very similar, but they're very different in a number of other ways.
I see a lot more of the "out, sh!t, safe" calls in that game as many of them don't have what a softball ump would call great timing - they're too fast.
Didn't we see & hear about one of the major leaguers hosing an uncaught 3rd strike because they don't - or didn't - want to go outside of their own area of responsibility.
On the other hand, I see the baseball folks tolerating a whole lot less garbage from coaches & players before tossing.

One sport's officials can nit-pick another sport's officials all they want. The fact is these are different games with different expectations and different ways of doing things. I don't give a rat's a$$ what a baseball ump thinks of a softball ump's ways of officiating a softball game - the baseball guy's opinion is as completely irrelevant as a softball ump's opinion of a baseball ump's ways of doing things.
Steve M
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