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Old Mon Jun 04, 2007, 12:17pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
I don't think it was characterized as a lack of stones in the umpires' ball bags... I believe what Mike was referring to was the lack of stones in the MLB heirarchy.
Maybe he meant that, but what he said was the umpires were not displaying the integrity they claim to have.
Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
There's no excuse for a bench-clearing brawl, period. It should not be tolerated. Period. MLB needs to step up and address the situation sternly, unlike the way they're handling the steroid issue. Period.
I agree on the steriod issue, because I think that is damaging to the game itself. On the bench-clearing, etc., I don't agree. As I said, I haven't seen the latest video of a manager meltdown, but based on what you typically see at MLB games these days, I don't think there is a problem.

Managers v Umpires is part of the show, just like the good guys v villians setups in professional wrestling. MLB umpires know that going in. It is part of their job description.

In fact, if anything, I think the modern game is too sanitized. They have effectively taken the brush back pitch out of the game, and have instead inserted the umpires into what should be player on player discipline.

Quoting from the article I linked,
So it's really not so bad anymore, although we're going through quite a messy stretch here as the weather starts to heat up. But today it's more like the sheep dog and the coyote in the old cartoons. They blow each other up with dynamite, push one another off of a cliff and generally beat on each other until the dinner whistle blows, ending their shift.

Then they drop the bazookas, shake hands and go home.

Last edited by Dakota; Mon Jun 04, 2007 at 12:20pm.
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