I believe you don't have to have the pitcher pitch, simply call a strike on the batter who is not getting into the box. It gets that point across even better and no risk of getting a 1/2 attentive batter hit!
This is a funny thing with timed games. Both teams lollygag around for 4 innings then one team all of the sudden thinks they need that extra inning to do what they have not done all game! I try to keep it moving the whole game, don't go picking buggers but keep them going get them in the box....much like you describe. If there is an issue deal with it and set the tone early....if they don't get in the box in the time allowed (10 or 20 seconds depending on rule sets) then call a strike on them....same with pitcher if she doesn't pitch when told to (within the time allowed) give a ball to the batter. if there is more delay in the later innings just give your "instruction" more, when needed keep them moving whether that is the first inning or the last!