Originally Posted by Tim C
"1) alter the play, 2) make contact. You have to factor these into the equation."
Almost correct but not exactly:
R1 and less than two outs
Ground ball to F4 who flips to F6 covering second base.
F6 touches the base and moves 3 or 4 steps past the base towards right field.
Retired R1 slides two feet to the right field side of the base, does not contact F6 or alter the play.
According the the NFHS Baseball Illustrated Rules (sometimes called the 'comic book') this is a violation of the FPSR and the double play shall be called.
No alteration and no contact but it is an illegal slide and therefore penalized.
Tim Christensen
National Federation of High Schools
Publication Committee
I hope they publish this play in the case book next year to clarify -- especially given on one of these boards many years ago by some hihg-ranking FED official (it might have been Elliot Hopkins, but I don't recall).,