Originally Posted by UMP25
I'll complain about the rules because I've earned the right to complain about them.
BTW, look up the definition of the word "sarcasm," because it's obvious you and ozzy don't know it. Some of you people on this board really get your panties all in a twist when someone else tries to have a little fun, that's for sure.
From the OP
I know that hurdling is illegal in FED. At what point is something considered hurdling?
R1 coming home. Throw to the plate is off line just a bit. F2 drops to his knees to catch the ball then reaches back towards the baseline to attempt to tag R1. R1 jumps over the glove (say 12 inches off the ground) and is not tagged.
Is this legal? Is it not hurdling since the player is on his knees and reaching for the runner?
There is nothing wrong with having fun and giving your opinion on what you think of a certain rule or not, however, the poster asked a question to learn.
I cannot tell you what to post but IMO, the first thing to do is answer the question , then if you want to add what you think then fine.
In this OP you did not answer the question but simply said you do not care for FED rules which is fine but the point is the poster did not ask you for your opinion of FED rules, he asked a specific question.
In all walks of life we should have fun, but the Umpire Forums should start with the premise that people want to learn etc. about a given rule, then if you want to add your $.02 go right ahead.
Pete Booth