Originally Posted by UMP25
"Hurdle?" "Prone?" "Torso?" What the hell is this--anatomy class? Gymnastics??? Why the hell am I feeling like a pretzel or some contortionist upon reading this?
God@#$% FED Rules!
Ok what type of sliding restrictions would you put in place?
Do you want amateur players playing like the BIG GUYS and "plow" into one another?
Also, keep in mind that many of these rules are driven by insurance companies.
It's not that difficult to understand. We all know or I should say should know what "lying on the ground" means. In addition we should know the differences between diving, hurdling or leaping.
Diving: = A headlong plunge
Leaping: A self propelled movement upwards / downwards
Hurdling - To jump over a barrier
Notice in Diving - A
Headlong Plunge which is why FED discourages this kind of tactic and is an automatic out. When someone dives they are risking serious injury because as the defintion says they are leading with their head as opposed to leaping or hurdling in which the player has more control.
In FED one cannot Dive whether the player is lying on the ground or not.
Pete Booth