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Old Mon May 28, 2007, 11:55am
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Mark Dexter
Ignoring the no subs comment for a minute . . .

The situation where the coach "changes his mind" - if he has TOs left, you do nothing, but if he doesn't have TOs left, you T him up?????? How about you charge him the timeout in BOTH situations (seeing that, in both, you stopped the clock to grant his timeout request).

This is the perfect illustration of why you should NOT even entertain requests for future timeouts - if the coach tries to weasel his way out of one, what are you going to do?

And not allowing subs? Unless you're doing an NCAA game and you're in the last 59.9 seconds of the game, subs can come in on ANY whistle (NFHS/NCAA). Period.
True, I was thinking college on the subs. To be technical you could charge him the timeouts in both cases. Unless the coach was being a pain, I would not charge him the timeout that he now says he doesn't want. I would simply put the ball back in play. But that would be his one and only time he will do that, future requests will be a TO no matter what. Remember, I preference what I said with this has never happen. I have never had a coach request a timeout in this manner and then say he doesn't want it after I stop the clock. Never! I'm not going to debate something that almost never happens, it's just not worth it. In the event that it does happen, put the ball back in play, so you see, I got both sides of the issue covered.

A wise man once said; concentrate on things that might happen, and not on things that might not.
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