Here's probably the straightest reply you're going to get. Among other things, I have been on the board of our local youth rec league for 11 years, so I think I have some credibility on this issue.
Frankly, if you're expecting a high standard of officiating at this level, you're probably fooling yourself. Our league always has trouble recruiting refs with any experience due to many reasons, including low pay, the fact that we play at the same time as high school and all the upper grade rec leagues (which is why I hardly have the time to do any of the games myself) and the lack of prestige in doing youth games.
This situation is inherent in the system. That's not to say that there are no competent youth league refs out there (after all, I do some of the games

), but in general, the quality of ref is much lower than that to which you think you may be entitled.
Now for the sarcastic part (you knew it was coming, didn't you). In my experience, the only group who knows less about the rules than youth league refs is youth league coaches. Notice there's no winky face here.