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Old Wed May 23, 2007, 11:39am
blueump blueump is offline
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Location: Tustin, Michigan
Posts: 403
Originally Posted by Tim C
"Sounds like an immature pot shot to me. Some pose questions and what they would call based on what they know and are actually willing to learn from what is said on this board. I've changed my view on many topics by reading and defending positions this board.

"You don't know me at all, and I don't know you. If you feel the need to stoop to this level, you are the one showing how ignorant you really are. Maybe you should attempt to actually add to the intelligent discussion here instead of making personal attacks against someone you don't have a clue about."

First let me wipe the tear from my eye.

There, much better.

IF my post offended you me thinks your skin just may be too thin to be an umpire.

Regards and back to my cave.
I never said it offended me. It just showed everyone how immature you really are. You can't add anything substantial to the conversation that was taking place, so you act like the troll you are. You simply attack others in an attempt to make yourself look intelligent. Even my 5th grade students understand that a person who acts that way is lacking in self-esteem.

At least try to post a baseball question or answer so others can learn. That's what this forum is about. I believe that after reading your posts, I actually am dumber than when I started.

Now, back to the point at hand. I am still really trying to learn here and be the best umpire I can be at the levels I do. All my references come from the rulebooks and casebooks that I have. Apparently those are not enough. This JR that everyone is referring to: what's its unabbreviated title, and where can I get one? What other reference materials would a High School umpire consider "absolutely necessary" to improve themselves?
"When I umpire I may not always be right, but I am always final!"
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