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Old Wed May 23, 2007, 12:29am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob M.
REPLY: Before we get too far afield on this one...remember that the neutral zone expands only for those players who immediately contact a B lineman and don't proceed further than the 2 yd. expansion. A Team A lineman who is not blocking a defensive lineman must not go past the NZ (B's line of scrimmage) at all until the pass is in flight. There's no two-yard expansion for such a player.
Wouldn't be a problem, probably, for the basic (quick) wedge pass I had in mind, only for the more speculative one I mentioned. The guards would form on the center, the tackles on the guards, then one or both ends would step inward as they would for the wedge, but proceed to cross to B's side across the middle and be delivered a pass as they get in front of the QB; s/he could nearly hand the ball over the crouching linemen. Not enough time for the wedge to start moving forward more than a step or so. The only danger would be if the center is completely uncovered, and those making zero contact with an opponent; in such a case s/he might have to lean back on the guards to prevent being driven across the NZ before the ball leaves the passer's hand.

In videos I've seen, it usually takes at least a full second for the wedge to form & start moving forward, so I think the quickie pass would be OK unless the defense leaves the center uncovered, not even in the A gap -- but in such a case, we wouldn't be likely to pass anyway.

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