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Old Mon May 21, 2007, 05:18pm
LarryS LarryS is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref
The NFHS just posted these mechanics changes. What do people think of them?
The first one matches the NCAA rule. The second reverts back to the way it used to be done by the NFHS and has always been done by IAABO, since that group never changed. The final one goes against previous advice of not leaving the ball on the floor unattended.


211; 321: The referee may designate the official to administer the jump ball to start the game or overtime.

273; 275; Diagram 29: Crew of Two Only: Change the time-out and intermission positions so that the administering official will stand where play will be resumed and the non-administering official will stand, facing the table, on the division line (on the circle nearest the table for a 30-second time-out or intermission).

273; 378: During a time-out or intermission, the administering official may set the ball down on the floor where play will be resumed if movement is necessary away from the spot to communicate with the table/partner(s).
I think this is what drew the "good grief" comment. We have all these people concerned about the legal ramifications should someone trip over the basketball while it is on the floor and all the problems that can arise if someone moves/hides/steals the ball.

How about this...since, with one possible exception, the posters here are at least semi-intelligent and observant...IF YOU THINK SOMEONE WILL GET HURT FROM A SITTING BALL OR MOVE, HIDE OR STEAL THE BALL...DO NOT SET IT DOWN!

It states the official MAY set the ball down on the floor (not sure how one would set it UP on the floor, but that is a different discussion), not that the official MUST set the ball down on the floor.

IMO, if you are a good enough official to be assigned a varsity game you should be alert and observant enough to know when it is safe to use that option.
I didn't say it was your fault...I said I was going to blame you.
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