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Old Wed Mar 20, 2002, 08:44am
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Location: Newburgh NY
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Originally posted by etbaseball

In a few months I'll be giving out over 1,000 world series assignments for a national world series tournament. I'd be very interested in hearing from many of you indicating the reasons why you feel you were selected for the highest level game of you career. What assignment did you get ... and why?

Most of you, no doubt, have heard the expression that "perception is not always equal to reality." The reality part is that these assignments must be made with good guidance and judgement. The perception element is that we all have a higher opinion of our own game than does anyone else, including assignors.

Please share your personal experiences with me as to why you think 'you' were selected over others for the best assignments you've ever received. Why did the assignor select you?

I'm hopeful that what you tell me is in line with the rationale that I plan on using come this July. What did you like/dislike about the process you faced during the selection? What preparation took place? What do you feel was missing? What would you have done differently?

Ed I will answer in 2 parts

Part I - HS assignments. It has been my experience thus far that HS assignemnts are on the "buddy buddy" system - meaning political in nature. Also, HS games vary around the country but probably the start times are in the 4 o'clock range which means AVAILABILITY comes into play.

Therefore, in HS availability more than quality gets one the big games. If you are always available on a day-to-day bases, normally you will get rewarded with some bigger type games and advance to the varsity level quicker than someone who might be a real good umpire but because of work constraints isn't as availabale as someone else.

Part II - all other ball which includes LL, Babe Ruth, Legion, Connie Mack, Mickey Mantle, Sandy Kofax, Collegiate Wood Bat and the mens leagues are handled by a different assignor in my area.

I have been rewarded for my efforts in Part II. Last year I had the plate for the Finals of the Collegiate Wood bat League. In the "Other" Category the assignor is Fair and is looking more for the following attributes:

1. Quality - Have you attened the sponsered clinics? or attending a PRO or similar type clinic.

2. Honesty - Meaning Give the assignor a TRUE schedule of games you can attend and unless their is some sort of Family emergency - do not call up Game Day and cancel.

3. Ratings - As a rookie, the assignor does his best to team you up with veteran officials and get their feedback. Also, since these leagues are paying top rated FEES for our service, the coaches also have feedback in one's development.

Conclusion: I haven't had much luck in the bigger HS type assignments which was cause for an article by referee concerning the decline in HS Officials. That however, at least in my circumstance doesn't bother me because I mainly got HS certified to work all the "other type" games because an umpire MUST be at least HS certified.

It helps with insurance as well, because a HS certified official is not covered under the HS insurance policy if he / she works a game with an uncertified Official.

Therefore, except HS, the Good Type Game assignments are given to those who pay their dues by attending the clinics; being honest with the assignor and receiving good ratings - in other words the Old Fashioned Way I've Earned it.

Pete Booth

Peter M. Booth
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