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Old Tue May 15, 2007, 09:31am
greymule greymule is offline
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Did you only do FED during the brief but ill-fated "Accidental Appeal" period?

Yes. Actually, a more precise term might be "accidental force" (or, for purists, "accidental force or before-the-BR-reaches 1B" period).

I'm glad Fed dumped that rule. It was an odd exception to OBR. The J/R explanation simply reinforces what had long been practice in OBR.

In MLB, the play does not occur often, but if you watch enough games, you'll see it. Most people who frequent this board have seen MLB players beat the throw but miss 1B, and they are routinely called safe until the appeal, which incidentally has to be a tag as long as the runner has simply overrun. In a Phillies' game a few years ago, the BR beat the throw but stepped over the bag and overran several yards. F3 had left the bag after he caught the throw, but he then quickly returned to step on 1B and hold the ball up for the umpire to see. Seemed like an appeal to me. No call. Then he ran and tagged the returning runner. Out.
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