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Old Mon May 14, 2007, 10:17am
Jimgolf Jimgolf is offline
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This is a good example of why not to use those catchy phrases we hear about. The official in question told the coach, "Hey coach, your next comment will be your last comment," assuming the coach would take this as a warning of an impending technical foul. Instead, the coach took this as a threat of impending bodily harm, leading to the later confrontation, "Hey Eric, you don't have your stripes on anymore. Do you still want to threaten me?"

"You're about to earn a technical foul," might have been a better choice of phraseology here. While the coach may still have been incensed, he wouldn't have "The referee threatened me first" defense to use.

While two wrongs don't make a right, the OHSAA decided that two wrongs means no one gets punished. The coach's school is still deciding if any action against the coach is warranted.
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