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Old Wed May 09, 2007, 03:31pm
Don Mueller Don Mueller is offline
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Posts: 277
Originally Posted by johnnyg08
I'm not sure I agree with you if you're working a game and your partner calls a guy safe at home and you see the ball sitting there on the ground as well as probably the entire infield minus the pitcher and catcher and your partner doesn't see it, he calls the runner out, you're not going to say anything? I strongly disagree with you, if you were my partner, I'd want you to tell me...banger at 1B or something like that...stay out of it...but something like that...that's an injustice to both teams and your partner that you're hanging out to dry...
If it's that obvious he's going to catch he!! from the offensive coach, the coach will be telling him the ball was laying on the ground. The coach will probably even say it was so obvious your partner saw it from way out there in C. At that point your P can confirm or deny that accusation if he sees fit by asking for your help, until then your P has hung himself out to dry by not being in proper position to see the dropped ball and/or pulling the trigger on his out call before knowing F2 has posession. Either way it's not your problem.
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