Wed May 09, 2007, 03:18pm
Originally Posted by PFISTO
I was having an arguement with people at work about a player being awarded a base after a fielder catches a foul ball then falls into stands but have been unable to find any evidence except the MLB rules. They all say they have NEVER seen it happen so it can't be a valid rule. (I know argueing with morons) So I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction
Thanks Mike
THE Jeter and David Wright catch both happened with 2 outs
FED 7-3-3d
d. one base if a pitch or any throw by the pitcher from his pitching position on his plate goes into a stand or bench or over or through or lodges in a fence or backstop or touches a spectator or lodges in an umpire's or catcher's equipment; or with less than two outs, the batter hits a fair or foul ball (fly or line drive) which is caught by a fielder, who then leaves the field of play by stepping with both feet or by falling into a bench, dugout, stand, bleacher or over any boundary or barrier such as a fence, rope, chalk line or pre-game determined imaginary boundary line.