Here is another reason to keep your conversations with your partner private:
There have been times when I have been asked to get help on a call that I have no intention of changing because I had the entire play. As a game management technique, I will go to my partner in private away from the rest of the participants and say something like...."D*mn, it's hot today", or "So, whose turn to buy after the game?"
I will then turn to the coach and announce that the call stands. Let's play ball!
Before I start getting flamed, I have no problem with discussing a call with a coach and letting him know exactly why I called what I called and telling him that No, I'm not going to my partner on that one.
If I use the technique above, it's because the game has been smooth to that point and I have chosen not to interrupt that flow. The coach gets his request that I talk to my partner and we go from there.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!