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Old Tue May 08, 2007, 09:37pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Rec league-warn on the marginal ones.. that way it dont escalate. You could have said between innings "you know coach, you didnt do anything illegal, but if you assist a runner I will call her out."

You made a good call.

I too am one of the few that knows the rules in my rec league at any appreciable level.

You help the league by enforcing the rules. You can modify your enforcement to include warnings you would not otherwise give in tournies. I would never warn in a tourney like that and be licking my chops to nail a coach I saw would probably be prone to assisting a runner.

Another thing I do.. our rec league feeds the TB team.. so I will be very quick to let especially the rec league players/coaches know things, so they dont get in bad habbits when TB starts up.
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