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Old Tue May 08, 2007, 04:28pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I don't understand why you would consider anything at this point. The coach is allowed to give direction to his/her players and is even allowed to leave the box to do so as long as it does not interfere with the play.

Unless the coach placed themselves in/near basepath to literally block the runner's path, I don't see the issue.
Well, that's what he did - except it was his arm. He was literally standing next to the girls when they got to third, and was practically whispering in their ears... when this one started to take off, he jumped forward and extended his arm in front of her. He didn't actually contact here, which is the main reason I didn't call anything right then. But he was definitely "near the basepath" and his arm was literally "blocking the runner's path".

Edit to add: and the warning, if he wouldn't have actually violated the rule right after I'd decided to give the warning, would probably have been something like, "Coach - you know that if you physically assist your runner she'll be called out, right?"
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