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Old Tue May 08, 2007, 02:39pm
LilLeaguer LilLeaguer is offline
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Just waitin'

Originally Posted by CoachJM
Simply as a point of information, here is what the MLBUM has to say on the subject, under the discussion of Offensive Interference:
While contact may occur between a fielder and runner during a tag attempt, a runner is not allowed to use his hands or arms to commit an obviously malicious or unsportsmanlike act-such as grabbing, tackling, intentionally slapping at the baseball, punching, kicking, flagrantly using his arms or forearms, etc.-to commit an intentional act of interference unrelated to running the bases. Further, if in the judgment of the umpire such intentional act was to prevent a double play, the umpire would rule the batter-runner out as well (see Section 6.3, specifically Play (4)). Depending on the severity of the infraction, it is possible the player may be ejected for such conduct.
But Johjima didn't have the ball yet. Any word on what a runner may do to a fielder not in possession of the ball, not blocking a basepath?
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