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Old Tue May 08, 2007, 04:58am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Neither case play cited above is relevant or applicable to the situation being discussed. In the first case, the team simply has NO substitutes. In the second case, the player came on to the court during playing action, NOT at the next opportunity to substitute.

Apples and dinosaurs.
Did you even read what I wrote in my post?
I mentioned 3-1-1 because it is the general rule which states that a team plays with five players and MUST start with that number. We can't allow them to begin with four and we can only allow them to continue with four when they have no subs available. I point this out to counter the argument of those who say why can't we let a team play with four? Afterall, it is its own penalty. Well, because the RULES of NFHS basketball say otherwise.

Then before I quoted 10.3.3 SitB, I wrote this:

Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Hence we need and have a case play that tells us to call a T if the fifth player returns to the court during playing action, but we have no guidance whatsoever if the kid does not return. This is the case for which no penalty is prescribed in the NFHS rules.
So now we know what apples we're talking about and we also know who the dinosaur is.
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