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Old Mon May 07, 2007, 05:33pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
Then you are half an official and you have a lot to learn about the profession you are in. The world doesn't need more robot thinking decision makers. No one is asking you to do a psychological evaluation of the players either, dial that back a little, would you please. The game is a highly emotional game, and sometimes emotions gets the best of us. No one is immune. It's also not a life and death situation either, it's a kid for heaven's sake, our future. Seeing a kid with tears in his eyes and getting ready to attack his coach. I don't think that's the time to start throwing technicals. In fact, might not be a bad idea to get involve here, for everybody's sake.
Go back and re-read what I wrote. I'm not advocating calling a technical here unless it escalates quite a bit higher. What I am saying is that when I decide whether to issue a technical foul, I'm not going to consider the kid's feelings other than to brace for how I think he might respond. If he earned a T, he's getting a T; and I'm not going to wimp out of that call for the sake of his precious little self-esteem. His self-esteem is his coach's responsibility, not mine.

Now, let me ask you a question about the part of your post I put in blue above. How are you going to get involved, "for everyone's sake?" Just how high is your horse, anyway?

Personally, I think it might be a good time to let the situation resolve itself just like you did.
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