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Old Mon May 07, 2007, 10:19am
Old School Old School is offline
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Originally Posted by Ch1town
That's what I was thinking too howie. If I'm not administering the throw-in following a time-out I generally flash the 10 to my partner to let him/her know we're good to go. Or I give the stop sign until we get it right, whether there is < than 10 or > than 10. Isn't this common practice?
I count to 5, both teams, easier and quicker to cout to 5 then 10.

The fact of the matter is it happens, and both the officials and the teams are to blame. I had it happen this weekend except we had 6 and niether my partner or myself noticed it and the player ran off the court before we did. Action, no action because we didn't see it, situation corrected itself which to me is better than enforcing a technical.

Had it happen in a bow out game and the team that was down by 30 or more, can't remember, after a timeout had 6 on the floor. I just stop the clocked and got the extra guy off the court and gave the ball back to the team. It went over so smooth, nobody said a word. I mean I gave the ball back to the team that was down that had 6 players on the floor. What I hate is when you run into coaches that wants you to enforce it in such a lopsided AAU type game.
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