Originally Posted by greymule
I still think the call of waving off the run was erroneous judgment (mainly from failure to pay attention), not misapplication of a rule. There's no way that 4 MLB umps didn't know the rule. And even if they didn't, plenty of people there would have known it, and Baltimore would have lodged a protest then and there.
But they instead (preposterously) claimed the run didn't make it across the plate in time. So it's a judgment call that can't be protested.
Later, whether by a surreptitious look at a replay or simply thinking about the obvious timing of the play, the umps realized they had robbed Baltimore of a run. So how do you "make things right"? You make up an excuse that you had misinterpreted a rule.
You really think that four MLB umpires decided to pretend they didn't know a rule?
I get it. Then for this ruse to stand, they send Miller to "look at the rule book". Instead, he studies replays and then comes back and reports to Ed.
Then they get MLB to lie when they said "This was not a judgment issue" when in reality, it would have been easier for MLB if it WAS a judgment issue.
What are your thoughts on Katrina being a conspiracy by a collection of left wing politicians and a publising company to help the sales of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"?