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Old Thu May 03, 2007, 09:57am
Eastshire Eastshire is offline
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Originally Posted by Durham

Just one question! Did the runner cross the plate before the out at 1st?

If no, they screwed up.

If yes, they got it right.

Is it that hard?

Opps, that is two questions.
Two mistakes doesn't make one right call. Yes, they kicked when the run was waived off. They had until the next pitch to correct it and they didn't, neither did Baltimore challenge the incorrect application of the rules. Three innings later, the umpires decided to take it upon themselves to protest their mistake and correct it. This is an error because the time for correcting the error had passed. This is, quite literally, a make-up call.

Screwing up once does not give you license to intentionally screw up again because you think the second one makes up for the first.
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