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Old Thu May 03, 2007, 07:10am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by BigGuy
What I quoted only applies to COACHES, who should know better and thus are held to a different standard. The coach was the subject of this thread. What it doesn't say is MAY WARN, MAY RESTRICT, OR MAY EJECT. If that was an option for coaches, it would say so. It doesn't, therefore it is not an option. If a coach violates 3-3-1j, the umpire can restrict ot eject as his only options. A player who violates 3-3-1j may be warned or ejected.
Look at case 3.3.1L. It says that the coach may be warned, restricted or ejected. I know the case deals with rule 3-3-1g, not 3-3-1j, but both are in the same "section" of the penalty clauses.

The wording in the penaly of "restrict or eject" coaches is only to give the *additional* option of restricting. A player can be warned or ejected. A coach can be warned, restricted or ejected. THere's only one time (iirc) a player can be restricted, and this isn't it.
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