- You and your partner are there to call the game, you have no business telling the coaches how to play the game.
- If you and your partner are "fabricating" outs or expanding the strike zone, you are both cheating! Something that I and many others do not take too kindly to.
- If you and your partner do not like these kind of games, don't take them! Not all HS games are played by the "cream of the crop". We sometimes have to deal with sub-sub-sub Varsity ejects - so what? It should not change the way you officiate!
You people with your "touchie-feelie let's all sing cum-bya attitudes do not help the players. You just make a mockery of the entire officiating world!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
Last edited by ozzy6900; Tue May 01, 2007 at 07:28pm.