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Old Tue May 01, 2007, 05:51pm
3appleshigh 3appleshigh is offline
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Posts: 301
Game Management??

You have a complete and utter Blow out of a game. 13-1 going into the 4th inning and we are 6 runs into this inning (now 19-1). H/S kids but POOR quality Baseball all round. Coaches are simply teachers who do this "so the kids can play" and have no clue about rules written or unwritten. The leading team is still Running on passed balls and stealing on regular pitches. As Ump's we are now looking for Strikes and out simply to help everyone end this game. Coaches do nothing to curb the base path manipulation even when reminded by me. (I simply got coaches attention and said, Hey, Remember the score here") This is a league know for Hot head kids due to the ages and relative skill level. On a subsequent play, I have R1 steal on the pitch, F2 throws the ball, Slightly off target, as the SS trys to get to the ball on the 1st base side of 2nd, he collides with the sliding runner. I choose to Call the runner out for Interference (even though it was simply a train wreck) and lecture him about running up the score. Next couple of pitches we have out number three. I talk to the coach as he leaves the field, he agrees with me, says he was embarrassed and Didn't send the runner, he was sorry. Last half inning goes quickly and we have our mercy. Game over.

So Critiques, and Ideas of what to do differently should this arise again. I hate to "enforce" rules somewhat incorrectly, but felt that in this situation things could have gotten out of hand were they not dealt with.

"It isn't enough for an umpire merely to know what he's doing. He has to look as though he know what he's doing too." - National League Umpire Larry Goetz

"Boys, I'm one of those umpires that misses 'em every once in a while so if it's close, you'd better hit it."

Last edited by 3appleshigh; Tue May 01, 2007 at 05:53pm.
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