Thread: What to Say ?
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Old Tue May 01, 2007, 09:10am
Chess Ref Chess Ref is offline
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What to Say ?

I had one of THOSE games last night. Men's SP . I was out of position on a banger. Also we kicked a play that was basically a clusterfud.

Now to my question. I am PU. Runners on 1B & 2B. 1 out.

Batter hits a line drive at F4 . He drops it. I say nothing. Chaos ensues. We get it sorted out. Kinda-not really-we blew it.

My partner thinks I should have said no catch on the dropped line drive. At the time it happened really quick. This wasn't a gaper where i have time to say no catch as the ball is pinballing around the outfield. I don't know what I could have said to clear up the mystery for everyone.

So on these kinda plays should I say no catch or kinda treat it like the fair ball if you hear nothing it's fair ??
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