Originally Posted by M&M Guy
My uvula's still 11 as well.
Doctor: I won't beat around the bush, Babs.
Babs: Is it bad?
Doctor: In a nutshell, your uvula is on the fritz. Which reminds me of a little joke. Knock knock!
Babs: Who's there?
Doctor: Babs' uvula.
Babs: Babs' uvula who?
Doctor: I don't know, Babs. But I do know this - you've really let your uvula go to the dogs.
Babs: Yes.. I have..
Sister: I'd like to share this with you, Sis. [ opens a greeting card ] "To Babs: It'll behoove ya', to care for your uvula! Love, Sis."
Babs: Boy, do I hear ya', Sis! From now on, it's strictly good, clean fun. For me and my uvula!
Doctor: That reminds me of a little joke. Knock knock!
Announcer: Who's there?
[ Doctor, Babs and her sister laugh at the surprise interruption ]
Announcer: The preceding dramatization was brought to you by the National Uvula Association.