Originally Posted by LomUmp
Hey all,
My point is, where does it end on expanding the zone? An inch or two is one thing; toes to nose, box to box is something different.
As I stated before, IMO there should be a separate and distinct set of rules for the "pee wee' division of baseball.
Example to get my point across.
When my kids played Pee Wee basketball, there was no Full court press allowed until the last 2 minutes of the game unless the game was out of hand by then.
In addition, there had to be a minimum of 3/4 passes before you could shoot the ball so that the kids learned teamwork.
The strike zone as defined in any major rule-book did not have 8/9 yr. olds in mind when it was thought of.
I can tell you as both a Parent former coach and now an umpire no-one likes to see kid after kid walk. It is the most boring time one could have.
The kids are not learning anything. The fielders are not learning how to field properly, etc.
One could argue why have kids at that age pitch to begin with. At that age the league should be more instructional and not keep score etc.
Now to answer your question
where does it end on expanding the zone?
It ends as soon as the kids start swinging the bats and not constantly leave the bat on their shoulders. I could care less about the ooh's / aahs from the coaches / parents. As an umpire especially in "kiddy ball" you hear ooh's / aahs no matter what you do. that's why many leagues do not have umpires at this level and have to get parents out of the stands to do the games.
Pete Booth