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Old Wed Apr 25, 2007, 12:29pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Originally Posted by NewNCref
I just want to make sure I'm understanding this right. The difference you're pointing out here is that the base line isn't necessarily the base path. IE, R1 runs straight through and past third, and then attempts home. Base line is directly between third and home, but base path three feet either side of the straight line between where he is and home plate. Is that right? Is that the distinction you were trying to draw?

First - the base LINE is irrelevant in almost every situation.

The only thing you omitted in the above quote is that the basepath is 3 feet either side of a straightline between where he/she is and home plate AT THE MOMENT A FIELDER INITIATES A TAG ATTEMPT (and also a straight line between that point and third base.) Don't create a basepath in your head for a particular runner until that tag attempt happens.
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