The point is what may be profanity to you, may not be profanity to the person standing next to you.
What is outrageous in your mind, may be standard, everyday vocabulary. Like it or not, this country is still full of purists who place a value on words. I place no value on words. Words are nothing more than a method of communication.
Somewhere along the way, the self-proclaimed morally-superior individuals needed to sell people on damnation and part of that is the fear of what they proclaim to be the beliefs of a Supreme Being. Of course, these are the same people that relate financial donations to salvation. For some reason, a group of words, a specific order of letters, were deemed "obscene". The entire thought of this scam being perpetrated upon those who apparently are not to smart (which is a fair amount of people in this country) is obscene in itself.
BTW, if you honestly believe in the injection of one's moral beliefs into the game of softball, stay away from the teams from The Bahamas or Jamaica just to mention two. Their idea of profanity, if there is one, will demoralize you in a heartbeat.
You now know why my name was mentioned when this hit thread hit the board.