Originally Posted by jimpiano
Many leagues, including all the ones in my area, have further defined unsportsmanslike conduct to include any profanity loud enough to be heard by spectators...The automatic penalty is an out on the next batter in the teams' lineup and is, if necessary, carried over to the next inning.. Ejection is dependent on the actual language and is usually invoked when the language can be construed as threatening.
The league in which this game took place also has a strict "no cursing" rule. My "rule of thumb" on it is if I can clearly hear it from more than 25 feet away (or if the scorekeepers behind the backstop can hear it), it was too loud. If a player keeps it under their breath, I don't care - let them blow off a little steam after blowing a play, right? No one's really hurt by it.
This player, on the other hand, was yelling it as loudly as he could, directing it at a player, and getting ready to fight. See ya.