Thread: Helmet wearers
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Old Sun Apr 15, 2007, 01:27am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Wink I guess reading comprehension is very difficult for you Steve.

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Yes, I am having a hard time figuring out why you talk down to people the way you do.

The traditional mask you are showing is a regular mask, which is not allowed for high school baseball, because it does not attach to an approved, dual earflap helmet (skull caps and/or batting helmets are not legal).

I quoted you the rule you wanted, but you still insist that regular catcher's masks are still legal in high school, and they have not been for several years now. The casebook reference I gave says it all. They are speaking of traditional mask/old style batting helmets (a.k.a. skull caps) which are no longer allowed.

I've got it, why don't you show me one of these traditional masks on a player, along with the NFHS approved helmet that is required? Good luck finding that.
I have a proposition for you. Just show me the exact wording in the rulebook that outlaws a traditional style mask. Or show me where it says only a HSM can be used or else the equipment is illegal? Because if what I have described is illegal, there should be something that says it is somewhere. Then there should be without a doubt.

Since I realize you will never do this. Rule 1-5-4 says, "The catcher's helmet and mask combination shall meet the NOCSAE standard. Any helmet or helmet and mask combination shall have full ear protection (dual ear flaps). A throat protector, which is either a part of or attached to the catcher's mask is mandatory. While in a crouch position, any non-adult warming up a pitcher at any location shall wear a head protector, a mask with a throat protector and a protective cup (male only)."

Now with all due respect I have yet to see a HSM without throat protection apart of the mask. But I do see many traditional masks without any throat protection. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)