DG, please, let's not turn this into a dog and pony show. I stated that I prefer to follow your advice and fill my assignor in on the information and let him take care of it for me. I also prefer to do that than to show up unexpectedly on some strangers door asking to be paid for showing up to a HS JV game that was cancelled while I was there. You offered me some excellent advice (both past and present) and I have thanked you for it.
I apologize for any confusion I may have created. I did not state that I would not go back to work at that school if I were assigned. I did not mean that I would retaliate in any way or any other such nonsense. If I am paid, I feel I was paid because I followed my duties responsibly, as you suggested. If I am not paid, then so be it, as long as it was decided to be fair and legit. I still prefer to receive a rain check on top of the game check I earned.
Last edited by SAump; Sat Apr 14, 2007 at 09:17pm.