Originally Posted by SAump
I was scheduled to work a 10/12 Sat DH. Rain came through last night. Sun out at 8 and no phone call received by 9. I dress and drive to the field and am ready to go by 9:40. The visiting team loads into the school bus and drives away as I am in the parking lot getting ready. I ask the home coach if they canceled or delayed the start of the game. It's canceled so I get in my car and leave my $80 DH pay-date behind. Players from the home team are still hanging around the parking lot. I call my partner to warn him and leave a message on his cell phone at 9:45. He doesn't have his cell phone with him. I know there is a game scheduled near my home so I check with the coach about doing that game. Game begins around 10:30 and my partner shows up in the bottom of the first to take the BU position. Between innings I tell my partner what happened earlier in the morning.
He tells me that he was inside the coach's office filling out his paperwork to get paid because no phone call was made to cancel the game and warn us not to show up. I remember being told by the same coach, "We tried to call your assignor to let him know and tell you." Turns out to be "happy" talk to cover his backside. That was the reason I left without asking for a copy of the paperwork. I had no idea my partner was inside at the time. Should I go by Mon thru Fri to ask the varsity coach if he would allow me to turn in the proper paperwork my partner had filled out and turned in on Sat. morning? The NS school district has over 10 high schools in the district and I did pick up another game. Unfortunately for us umpires, they insist on scheduling their games at the same time. That is the only reason I was able to walk onto my 10:30 game. Does that make any difference?
IOW, what "association policy" or rainout guidelines can I follow?
If I have not received a call from my assignor before I leave home or work then I expect half a game fee for showing up, assuming my assignor was not called by the school. If he was called and he could not get up with me then I will expect nothing. For a DH that would be half of a one game fee only.
If there has been rain, I generally call the school. On a Saturday, most likely no one would answer, so I would be dependent on getting a call from my assignor, or the coach if he takes the initiative (rare).
I don't work games I wasn't assigned, or seek them out. As far as getting paid, I fill my assignor in on the situation and if I am due money it will come.