Originally Posted by crazy voyager
I was hoping to bring out a rule quote here and say that you're wrong about going through the bottom of the basket not being a violation. And it was damned close I was going to say you're right, until I looked a little closer. Firstly I found this:
13.2.2 Reaching through the basket from beneath and touching the ball during a pass or rebound is a violation.
translated from swedish
But later on, this comes up:
31.2.4Illegal touching of the ball occurs when
a player reaches through the basket and touches the ball
also translated
So, reaching through the basket and touch the ball has to be a violation. At least in my book.
Jay didn't say it wasn't a violation. He said it isn't basket interference. If it was basket interference, the points would be awarded. If it's not, then the offense gets the ball back at the nearest spot.
Originally Posted by crazy voyager
About the hand and the ball thing I can't find a rules quote. Nothing about it being alowed or not being allowed to slap the hand of a dribbler. So I'll keep looking, but at least I've been thought the ball and hand are separate things, and hitting the hand is illegal.
And about the blocks, yes offcourse the best blocks are the one when the ball has left the hand and when the defender gets the ball back. But, a lot of blocks occur when the ball is still in the hand, and imo those should be allowed, if the offensive player doesn't shield the ball, too bad, jmo.
To me, this is obvious, and it's funny that it's even debated. It kind of reminds me of the old 6 on 6 girls rule that prohibited a defensive player from slapping the ball while it was in the offensive player's hand; unless the offensive player was standing in the lane.