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Old Wed Mar 06, 2002, 02:15pm
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Originally posted by Mlancaster
The major difference is that the lead has responsibility for the entire base line, even the corner outside of the 3 pt arc.
Are you saying, according to NFHS mechanics,

1) that the Lead is supposed to call fouls outside the 3-point line?


2) that he's responsible for the OOB call if it squirts out anywhere on the endline?

If you're saying #1, then I think that must be incorrect. Although I don't officiate 3-man in HS, I can't imagine that they want the Lead watching the ball out there. In fact, I'm looking at the coverage chart right now, and it does not indicate that the Lead should be watching action on the ball outside the 3-point arc.

If you're saying #2, then how is that different from college? In college 3-man, the Lead is responsible for OOB calls for the entire endline, although in practice, he may ask for help from the C if the ball goes OOB on the far side of the lane.

Just trying to clarify,

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